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This is a copper vessel designed for desserts. It came all the way to me through my grandmother. She took it in her luggage when she left for Greece during the «Catastrophe». Yes the «Asia Minor Catastrophe». In 1922. She told me it was a very important object for her, and she insisted on taking it with her even though she was prompted to leave it and take something more useful for the trip with no return instead…

This elaborate vessel stored smyrnean, handmade, rolled, chocolate desserts. It was always there, in the middle of a traditional piece of furniture which resembled a cupboard. The vessel was accompanied by a glass bottle of liquor, awaiting the guests. Her mother never let her touch the sweets. She couldn’t even get close to the dining room as it was a space solely dedicated to the reception of guests. The house in Smyrna received visits almost constantly. Sometimes it was relatives from Smyrna who just passed by the house for a coffee. Other times, in special occasions such the important holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.), weddings and engagements of family members, the house was filled with guests and a joyful atmosphere. This is when my grandmother took advantage of the events and enjoyed some of the delicious sweets kept in the vessel. All the above, occurred before 1922 because in 1922 the family was uprooted once and for all from Smyrna.

This «sweet» vessel was the only object my grandmother took from her home the hours right before the destruction and she carried it until she arrived along with her mother at Mytilene as refugees. As a matter of fact, the vessel was kept in the house’s storage until today that I discovered it along with this unique story that my grandmother shared with me. A story of happiness and pain…

Petros Lazarou
1st High School of Chalkida

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