Mili is 32 years old and arrived in Greece when he was 27. He is from Iran, where he studied architecture.
It’s illegal to play music and do tattoos there. I am a tattoo artist and didn’t have freedom, so I came here. My mum lives in Persia and is happy for me. She has sent me many things, but I always have these with me.
Mili explains that he had a childhood friend who was already living in Greece, which was why he chose to come here. He tells us that he is learning hairdressing while working at a smelter and as a DJ.
Creator of object:
Place / Country of creation:
Year / Era of creation:
Mili Niari
Type / Description of object:
Hair rings
Object route:
Iran – Greece
Year / Era of movement:
Reason of movement:
License of digital image: