This pot is from the Greek village of Lythri in Erithrea, near Cesme. It is called “shagani” and it is made of copper covered in a bunch (garnished) by the “ganotzis – kalaitzis” (tinned, otherwise … you are poisoned!). It belonged to Patra Mihala (Lythri 1902 – N. Erythrea 1994). They did not cook food in it, they only heated food and mostly served hot food. It was a type of pyrex.
Thodoris Kontaras
Thodoris Kontaras, a descendant of a family of refugees from Erithrea (Lithri) in Asia Minor, is a teacher and a scholar of Asia Minor civilization. His family settled along with many others from the Erythraean community in the area now called Nea Erythraea and was born in the house in which he still lives today.
Creator of object:
Place / Country of creation:
Turkey (Lithri)
Year / Era of creation:
Thodoris Kontaras
Type / Description of object:
Serving pot
Object route:
Turkey – Greece
Year / Era of movement:
Reason of movement:
Asia Minor Catastrophe (1922)
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