I arrived in Italy in 1987. First there was my grandmother, and after 9 months I, my mother and my brother arrived. This is my wedding dress, you know we are traditional, because our relatives are from south India. I get goosebumps. I have kept it with so much love because I have a daughter, who lives in Germany, and she works, and I wanted that when she gets married, she too could wear it for five minutes. She suggested fixing it a little, because she is very thin. I bought the bracelets and a necklace with the wedding dress. I got married 24 years ago. My daughter will be 23 in October and my son turned 20 in July. I only wore it on the day of my wedding. This is why it looks new. The wedding was celebrated here, in Palermo. I went back home to buy the dress with my grandmother. I think of her when I look at the dress and I also think of my marriage which unfortunately didn’t last.
– Jenny