This traditional dress comes from the Mandinka community. Specifically, Muslims wear it when they go to the mosque on Friday or at traditional events.
I couldn’t bring this dress with me, back in 2017. I asked my family to send it to me right after I arrived. They gave it to a friend, he took it with him to Spain, and then he sent it to me here. It was sewn by my uncle, to have it with me anywhere I go in the world. I used to live with him for 12 years. Unfortunately, he passed away two years ago.
When I dress in a traditional way, I feel I represent my country, my culture and my religion. It combines many identities and reminds me of many things together that are all precious to me.
I’ve had this dress for almost six years. Every now and then, when I feel down, this is the thing that brings me the hope back, through the advice of my uncle, my family and friends. So, for me this dress has a value that gives me strength and courage in everything I do.
– Amadou