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These Usage Guidelines for content and metadata are based on goodwill. They aren’t a legal contract, but Inter Alia requests that you follow these guidelines, if you re-use content and metadata from this website. Except where otherwise noted, the content and metadata available on the Outcast Europe website are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Therefore, we request that:

  • you actively acknowledge and give attribution to all authors and sources, including the Outcast Europe website.
  • reuse the content and metadata for non-commercial, research and educational purposes, and share any alterations under the same terms.
Give credit where credit is due

Give attribution to the authors and sources, including the Outcast Europe website. Make sure that others are aware of the rights status of the content and/or metadata, and are aware of these guidelines. One way you can do this is to keep links to the Creative Commons licences intact. If, for technical or other reasons, you cannot include all the appropriate source links and rights information alongside the content and/or metadata that you have re-used, you should consider including them separately, for example in a separate document that is distributed with the content and/or metadata. If, for technical or other reasons, you cannot include all the appropriate source links and rights information alongside the content and/or metadata that you have re-used, you may consider linking only to the one specific source where all available sources and rights information can be found, including machine-readable formats.

Content and metadata are dynamic; consider using the content and/or metadata by linking

Please do not re-use the content and/or metadata in a way that suggests you have any official status, or that the author or the source (including the Outcast Europe website) endorses you or your re-use of the content and/or metadata, unless you have prior permission to do so. Please, do not mislead others, or misrepresent the content and/or metadata, or their sources. Please make the content and/or metadata and any improvements thereto freely available under the same terms as Inter Alia, i.e., without claiming any legal right to, or imposing any legally binding conditions on access to the content and/or metadata, or your improvements.

Please note that you re-use the content and/or metadata at your own risk

Inter Alia offers the content and metadata ‘as is’, and make no representations or warranties of any kind concerning any content or metadata published by Inter Alia. Any use of the content and/or metadata must conform to all applicable laws and other regulations in your jurisdiction, notably concerning (but not limited to) data protection, defamation or copyright. Be aware of any additional applicable community norms of data providers, data aggregators, websites and curatorial platforms.


Usage Guidelines were last updated on 29 June 2021.

If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve the information on this page, please contact Inter Alia by emailing

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